Thursday 19 November 2015

My Poetry: The Circle Continues

The circle continues

Terror rips through streets
Dust clouds from exploded bricks
Debris chokes those left
Who can breath
Innocent lives violently ended
Collateral damage
A euphemism for murder
And we wonder why
Farmers pick up arms
Radicalized youths seek
The oxygen of publicity
Retaliating tooth for tooth
In Western streets

Why is a bomb different
When dropped from military planes?
Why is the death of innocents
More bloodthirsty
In a white postcode?

The circle continues

How do you fight
An ideology?
How do you kill an idea?
How do you cut the head off
A headless beast?
Good men don’t win
To win you have to kill
And killing makes you bad
Murder leads to murder
An eye for an eye
Soon we will all be blind
Where do we stop?

The circle continues.

Killing to stop more killing
Is not an alibi.
If thou shall not kill
Becomes thou shouldn’t kill
Then alpha becomes beta.
Long ago
A fist became a rock
Became a knife
Became a bullet
Became a warhead
Became THE bomb.

The circle continues

We elect leaders
Who spend millions,
Employing the greatest modern minds
To engineer death.
Hey, ho, let’s go to war
Peace don’t pay the mortage
On million pound yachts
And Christmas is coming up,
So lets drop the BOMB,
And send your kids to war
So the puppeteers of war
Can put another naught
In big business accounts.

The circle continues

Have you ever wondered
Why suicide bombers
Are always young?
Why political elite
Arrive at the scene
With practiced homilies
Then sign treaties of war?

The circle continues.

Friday 13 November 2015

My Poetry: Or Just When I Know

Or Just When I know

They return
to where, I cannot tell,
For the door to that dank dungeon
Is closed, to the sober side of me.
But they are there, like goblins,
Haunting me when I’m meditating
On something else.

To know they are there,
Is scant reward, I’m sure,
Just be assured they are.
Chained to the dark, frigid walls of my soul
Of my selfish frailty,
But they shall be free one day, I hope,
To escape from my throat
Where they stick,
When I want them the most.

They shall escape once again,
When you smile, or cry
Or just when
We connect over trivial things
After a bellyful of gin,
because those simple words
Are tired of being dormant
Whenever you are near.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

My Poetry: God is a Mirror of Man’s Soul

God is a mirror of man’s soul
The title is about why there are so many different translations/ observation/ interpretations of a single piece of text. Less cynical than Lennon's 'God is a concept' lyric, but from the same hymn sheet

God gave us creativity
So we repay him with mimicry
Of text translated by people
With different interpretations of the truth.
Choose the sect 
Which mirrors your personality,
Then the bespoke holy house preaching it
My son, and prey you chose wisely.

Symbolic text taken literally
Becomes more powerful than words
In the hands of businessmen
Disguised as religious men
Tricking believers into paying
For heavenly absolution
at Friday prayer or Sunday worship
Or the collections plates of spurious
TV Evangelists.

GOD’s doctrines re-writ by human hands
Echo like a slow clap
Through the corridors of time,
A hundred different churches
All kneeling before the same cross 
Created by men who cherry pick
Passages to justify bad life choices:
Men who wage war under a red-cross
Stone wives in the name of the prophet
Or prefer Sunday’s repentance,
Rather than give up sin.

Theological interpretations
Intended as moral guidance
Based on revised revisions
Handed down, like two thousand years
Of Chinese whispers, by learned few,
With secret tongues 
Translating foreign alphabets
Into gilded sacred tomes
While ignoring lessons from
A thousand generations:
From pagan’s celebrating the moon
To harvests where the sun
Was man’s time-piece,
Where coin or temporal shackles,
Were just tools of hegmonic rule,
Yet to be invented.

But there is no profit in freedom;
HE kicked out the money-lenders
Now the Church hoards
And the Vatican sits on billions
While millions starve and suffer disease
Because… because… because,
Well only their God knows why.

Men in frocks ban gay marriage
Because love is sinful
When pointed in the wrong direction,
Ban woman from bearing the cloth
As if what’s beneath a cassock
Hastens the unlocking of heaven’s gate,
But it is man who slay their brother
Kill a city’s first born
Invent ancesteral sin – from the rib
Of an Old Testament psalm?

God gave us creativity
So we repay him with mimicry
Of books written by people
With different takes on reality.
So choose the sect

Which mirrors your soul.
And prey you chose right, my son