Saturday 29 June 2013

My Poetry: Take Flight Little Bird

Take Flight Little Bird (let love leave so that one day it may return)

When you call I come;
When you push I go;
When you question
what’s happening between
the moon and the sea
and the rose and the bee
I have no answer,
just this key,
to a cage never locked.
Take it,
escape the emotional prison
you’ve built,
curiosity’s winds call,
take flight,
Little Bird,
on blackened wings
I didn’t mean to clip.

Take flight
Little bird;
to remain caged
is to deny your beauty
so I set you free
to hold
freedom’s magnifying glass
to your days
to better see your morrows…
I cast thee free
because I want you to return,
don’t you see,
to your cage
where your heart
once was,
where thine is now,

But I know
you’re only trapped
when in a place
you don’t want to be
so take flight,
I’ll wait,
drained and stoic,
hushed eyes
trained on the horizon
awaiting your heart’s return
to this cage.
But if you never
as you soar.

Thursday 27 June 2013

My Poetry: Watching Stars Explode

Watching Stars Explode

Do you remember,
that night,
on an old broken bench
above the town
watching stars explode
across the velvet shroud
cast over our heads
as we held hands,
you moved closer,
for warmth,
do you remember?
as I showed you
Orion's belt
and the Plough
and you showed me
how to kiss
with tongues
until all I knew were cliches;
but your eyes DID
like a million snow flakes
and your mouth DID
make the world
seem small
and they still do,
they still DO.

This is the sister poem of "The Cliches I Wrote You" :;postID=4287483254283183708;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=3;src=postname

Saturday 22 June 2013

My Poetry: Glass Hearts Filled with Christmas Cheer

Glass Hearts Filled with Christmas Cheer

Lights shimmer, along
old cobbled streets,
cold noses, bit with frost,
poke out from bobbled hats
like wild red berries on a holly branch.

Gloved lovers, holding woollen hands,
recite Christmas hits,
like they’re stuck on repeat,
from shop to shop,
buying gifts
to stack, like iridescent bricks,
beneath the festive tree.

For Christmas Day, will soon be here
when bickering and woe
is swapped – sporadically -
for mistletoe kisses and all the trimmings,
while glass hearts filled
with mulled wine cheer,
toast fresh dreams of new year
free of the last.

Friday 14 June 2013

My Poetry: Our Riches Can't be Counted

Our Riches Can't be Counted

I've heard
rich men moaning
money is nothing,
but the root
of their evil.

I've seen the skint,
debt crippled,
together change,
to revel in its sin.

I've witnessed,
paper and gold
and a rainbow rock,
placed over a finger,
return a grin.

But tonight,
cast your Armani
clothes to the curb,
ignore your Rolex
and just listen
to this promise,
cast from three
free words,
'cus our riches,
can’t be counted
in gold tonight.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

My Poetry: The Cliches I Wrote You

The Cliches I Wrote You

The cliches
I wrote you
as a bleak
and love-torn teen
when I compared the night sky
to your eyes
and the moon to your smile
are still true,
they're still true.

The cliches
I whisper you
as a beat
and love-worn man:
'the ephemeral velvet night
won't outlast us,
and the blue moon is just jealous
of the Citrine stars and our love'
are all true,
its all true.

Friday 7 June 2013

My Poetry: Coffee house Blues

Coffee House Blues

You cup the coffee
like a soldier
would holy water
ahead of war.
I see you take
it without milk
but you’ve not really changed
that much.
Your smile is just the same,
but your once blue eyes
now match the grey
in your hair.

I notice the white mark
on your ring finger
and wonder why you called
I gave you everything
I could,
placed my bruised heart
in the palm of your hands
all those years ago,
gave you everything
but my soul
yet it could not sate
the appetite
for what you felt
you really deserved.

I watch the couple
to our left
eye each other
like we used to
when our hands
were warm with desire
before a younger lover
stole your faith in love.
You tell me his name,
and how he taught you
to ride horses
and how you bought an ivory dress
to fulfil your dreams
and how he left
to chase his.

The words fall
like bitter brine
on hope’s parched crops
as you raise the red cup
to your rose lips.
But I cannot explain
or comprehend,
the ways I missed you,
sat with those thoughts
through five lonely winters
and how each one
remains incomplete
and complex, still;
each one merging into the other
till all I understand
is the rain clouding the window
and the solitary sound
as you clink down the cup.
So when you called again,
I couldn’t allow the salves
and ointment
that once were your hands
to aleve the years
lost to someone else.

You cup the coffee
like a baby
as I say we could never
do it again
and this time
I leave you.

Sunday 2 June 2013

My Poetry: Shadows Growing

Shadows Growing

I don’t feel myself;
Like a ghost lost
in the midst of the days.
Nights waiting
shadows growing
knowing that soon
they’ll have to
surrender themselves
to the slate sun rays,
just as a wild red rose
to the bee….
buzzes in my ear
as the world sleeps with you…
I don’t feel myself;
adrift, rudderless.
I gave you my years
                                                                               now accept this most
                                                                               beautiful, brutal poetry
                                                                               written in tears
                                                                               which fill the ink well
                                                                               with invisible letters
                                                                               now soaked into this page:
                                                                               they are yours
                                                                               you summoned them
                                                                               they are yours
                                                                               you deserve them.