Monday 7 October 2013

My Poetry: Since There Wasn't You

Since There Wasn't You

It's been a month or more
since you were here;

since the face in the mirror
was recognisable as mine 
as it walked out the door.

It's been a month or more
since you were here;

since the sun rose on the day
and the flowers bought for you
stopped showing their beauty.

It's been a month or more
since you were here;

since the old time records 
my loneliness used in lieu of a lover
lost their charm.

It's been a month or more
since you were here;

since each meal became a chore
and the fork in our roads
left me starved of your kiss.

It's been a month or more
since you were here;

now the man you left to rot
 hums a new tune
as a new you beckons him forth.

It's been a month or more
and I'm forgetting you were here.

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